Gratitude & Ego - One of These Goes in the Fire!
Okay, STOP!
Stop what you’re reading and grab a notebook & a pen, preferably one that writes in your favorite color.
I’ll wait…..
Alright, I know that was bossy, but now that you’re ready...
I want you to sit down and reflect on your 2022 if you haven’t already.
Why? Because the end of 2022 is coming at you at lightning speed and has the potential to leave you in anguish over what has not worked out for you like you’d hoped.
And that’s bull honkey.
I bet if you sit still for even just 10 minutes and start writing, you’d be able to come up with at least 10 success stories for this year.
Using pen to paper is ideal because it creates a mind-body connection that helps your brain fully integrate your thoughts and feelings. But if you’re a keyboard warrior, go for it.
You’re going to create a “Gratitude List.”
Look back in your calendar, beginning in January 2022.
What happened that month? Was there an event, a client meeting, a health breakthrough? Was there something that made you feel happy, proud, excited, creative? Whatever good thing came out of January, write it down.
Now, log into your bank and review January’s transactions.
Did you pay off a credit card, earn more money, purchase something that made you really happy? Write it down.
Do this for every single month of the year.
While you’re going through this exercise, I want you to really experience the feeling of gratitude for this thing or person or event, whatever it was that brought you joy. You’ll know you’re experiencing the feeling when you feel the corners of your mouth turning upward.
Now, take a deep breath because the next part might feel a little harder. Why? Because…
You’re gonna create your “Ego List.”
You’re going to review some of the things that didn’t go so well this year.
Starting in January and working your way through December, in both your calendar and your bank statement, what went wrong?
What felt hard? Made you feel worried, stressed, unconfident, uncomfortable?
Don’t write down “the thing.”
Write down how you’re going to approach it differently next time.
For instance, let’s say you had an argument with your brother. You don’t feel proud of the way you behaved. It could have been words that slipped out of your mouth that you wish you could take back. If you had a do over, how would you approach it?
Write it down like this: When my brother and I argue, I ________________. (Fill in the blank with the action you take.)
When my brother and I argue, I take a deep breath before responding.
You want to state it as it is. As if it’s a regular thing that you do. Not “I will take a deep breath.” Get it in your mind how you always react in this situation.
Doing this exercise will allow you to let go of the thing that no longer serves you. It’ll create space for new experiences.
Carrying any shame or guilt forward is just heavy baggage you don’t need.
Make the decision right now to FORGIVE yourself for the thing.
If you’re a visual or spiritual person, you may even take your 2022 “Ego List” to the fire and burn it. Sometimes that helps to send it on its way.
Now, go back to your “Gratitude List” and read it every single day for the entire month of January.
Then, let me know what new things you are finding to be grateful for as you stay in a consistent state of gratitude for an entire month.
I’m serious. Call it woo woo, call it BS. I don’t care what you call it. ;)
Because what you’re gonna find is that a gratitude mindset will change your whole life.
Clone is currently closed for the holidays & will reopen on Wednesday, January 4th.