Let’s Take a Ride on the Manifestation Train

The Manifestation Train & The Universal Law of Action

Manifest what you desire.

When someone says that to you, do you feel the inner eye roll? The annoyance at such an abstract thought? The impossibility of it working?

Business/ life coaches, “gurus,” shamans, healers are all hopping on the Manifestation Train and leaving the majority of us behind, tripping over the rails.

Today I want share with you how I got back on track, heading toward the destination of my choosing.

At this time last year, I was b.r.o.k.e. I had moved to another state and was having a hard time getting new clients because I wasn’t really sure I wanted to continue in the direction that I’d been going.

I knew something had to change, so I returned to a manifestation practice that I’d lost somewhere in the chaos of motherhood and survival.

The first big thing I manifested was clarity. Clarity on what I really wanted to be doing for work. By the end of summer, I had it. I had a very clear picture of the direction I needed to leap (yes, leap… not walk slowly toward). Four months after that, I’d doubled my monthly income.

How did I do it? By using Universal Laws.

I recently re-read The Secret. You know the one. The movie and book that supposedly teaches you how you can have, be or do anything you want. 

The book focuses primarily on the universal Law of Attraction, a concept that has been studied by many in the meta realm and was made ultra popular by Esther and Abraham Hicks. 

The Law of Attraction is very real: what you put out there comes back to you. 

I’ve seen it happen in my own life over and over again. 

It’s an undeniable truth that we are energy, we operate on a frequency, and if we have a bad attitude, we get a bad attitude back from the person in front of us. 

So, yeah, try to be happy and loving and giving and all that good stuff, and you’ll receive that from others. Makes sense. 

But what about when you’re trying to manifest something BIG?

Like a new car, more sales, your dream vacay?

The Secret doesn’t really tell us how to attract those things. Because it’s missing another universal law:

The Law of Action.

You can’t just say to the universe, “I want a new car.” 

Yes, you can say those words. You can write them down. You can imagine having the new car already. You can even feel the gratitude of already having it (<----- super important part of manifesting, btw).

But think about this…. What has stopped you from getting the new car up to this point? 

Is it a lack of time to go shopping for one? Is it because you don’t have the money to buy one? Is it because you have decision fatigue and can’t choose the make or model you really want?

Focus on the reason you haven’t gotten the new car, and then take ACTION to make that reason disappear. 

Carve out time in your calendar to shop. Make that time non-negotiable. 

Make a money plan. See my 1-2-3 Money Plan or get a temporary second job (data entry from home pays while you listen to mindless TV in the background). 

Choose your new car’s make & model when you don’t already have decision fatigue. (Even something as simple as picking out what you want to wear for the day can cause decision fatigue. Do that the night before.)

My point is, there is a solution for all the excuses you might be making for not having what you want. 

That solution is found in the Law of Action.  

So, think about your goals. Pick one and then, yes, manifest that shit. 

Put it out there to God or the Universe or who/whatever your inner being speaks to. But don’t just sit on the couch after that. 

Taking action is what lets your deity, the Universe, the spirits know that you are ready to receive what you desire. 

Here’s a tip: Start small. 

Like, I see a red flower that makes me smile. (This is the one I tried several months ago. Before I knew it, red flowers were blooming in my neighbor’s yard. And then in mine! I hadn’t planted red flowers and they weren’t there last year, so…)

Don’t go for the million dollar balance in your bank account if you’re new to this. Start small and get proof that it works. What will happen is you’ll find yourself taking walks to find that red flower. Or you’ll stop to admire a lovely piece of art because.. BOOM… there’s that red flower staring you down from the canvas. (<—- This happened, too.)

And another tip? When you manifest a goal, don’t give yourself too hard of a deadline.

Because if you’re coming up too quickly on the deadline and what you’ve manifested hasn’t yet happened, then you sink right back into doubt, fear, stress and scarcity mindset. (And the Law of Attraction, which is always at play, is going to toss that feeling, and what results from that feeling, right back at you.)

So what do you want to manifest? You can have it. Use the Universal Laws of Attraction & Action to fulfill your desires!

We hope you’ve had a delightful holiday season & are feeling ready to take action to create a spectacular 2023 for yourself!

We’ll be opening the doors for new bookkeeping & coaching clients after January 15th.


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