OVERflowing…with Gratitude (And not feeling “over it”)
I hope that when your eyes meet these words, you are feeling calm and pretty damn proud of yourself for all that you’ve accomplished this year.
The holidays can sometimes leave us feeling overwhelmed, overworked, overstimulated, over it all.
This year, instead of feeling the over its all season long, I decided to submerge myself in a pool of gratitude.
I sat down and wrote out a list of 30 people, things, situations and ideas that I’m grateful for.
(Yes, of course YOU are on that list! Thank you for showing up each week to read my posts. And if you’re someone who has trusted me to tell your story by the numbers, then guess what… you are on my list twice! Seriously, THANK Y’ALL.)
I’m even grateful for the busyness that year-end brings in the accounting world.
In January I will be hermiting out in my slippers and “softies” (that’s another word for pjs, as dubbed by my BFF, Sarah) with lots of cafe au lait as I plough through the financial happenings of some of my favorite people who are excited to read the ending of their 2022 story and begin writing the next one.
I know that probably sounds really boring to most of you, but for me it’s super exciting! Problem solving, creative solution seeking, discovering-the-answers fun! It’s the kind of fun that takes real brain power….
Which is why Clone is taking a break from December 21 - Jan 3.
To rest, restore and refuel the cognitive tank before jumping into 2023.
On January 15, I’ll open the doors and begin accepting new clients again. And I’ll have help!
It’s been about 7 years since I’ve brought on other Clones, but I recently made a new hire–my sister, Kelly!
You better believe that she is on my gratitude list!
Kelly has prior bookkeeping experience and has just completed her Xero Advisor Certification, something I will be requiring of all new hires.
Yes, I plan to hire more people and grow Clone in 2023! Popping the cork over here ;)
So while I hunker down and ignore emails for the next two weeks, don’t think for one moment that there isn’t creativity and planning happening behind the scenes!
Y’all know I can’t sit still for too long. ;)
Until we chat again, please know I am grateful for your presence in my life.
Whatever holiday you celebrate this time of year, I hope it’s one filled with magic and abundance and overflowing with gratitude for all that you have, all that you are, all that you bring to the world.