Begin with the End
Last week I wrote about how it’s not too late to create your 2023 business plan. If you missed that post, you can read it here.
In that brain dump was an exercise that consisted of 7 questions to help you get focused on how you want this year to unfold. Today, I want to talk about question #7:
Can you begin with the end in mind?
Whether you’re thinking about your biz goals or your New Year Resolution(s), what I’m asking is this:
Do you have a very clear picture of what your endgame is?
Clarity is key here, and you can’t rush it. It is vital that you clearly define exactly what you want.
Here’s an example of one of my 2023 goals for my business, keeping the end in mind:
By December 2023, I will have added 10 new clients to my roster.
These clients are women solopreneurs with a growth mindset who desperately need help getting the financial side of their business in order. They understand and appreciate the value that comes in partnering with me because I can help them increase their profits. They are respectful of my time just as I am of theirs.
Women have always had to fight harder to create a space for themselves as leading professionals. My mission is simple: to empower them. I want women to have time to work on the creative side of their business, to be true CEOs of their company, and to do this, they must have clarity on their numbers so that they can make better business decisions, thereby creating profitable opportunities for themselves.
I’ll continue to provide stellar service to my current clients, encouraging them to open up to their passions rather than constricting. I’ll unapologetically ask for referrals and testimonials. I’ll keep writing my blog, and those who resonate with what I have to say will show up. I’ll meet with as many women as I can who fit my definition of the ideal client.
Logistical how?
My 2023 calendar must include tasks to reach this goal. I need to average one new client per month as of today, so that means I am opening up more discovery call sessions and time for new client onboarding on my calendar each week. Which tells me that I need to hire at least one new bookkeeper early this year to allow for the additional one-on-one time so that I don’t become overextended in my monthly bookkeeping compliance tasks.
The above is just one goal that I’ve sat down to envision. I laid it out for you here to clarify what I mean when I ask, “Can you begin with the end in mind?”
If you clarify what that end is, it’s much easier to set a goal, plan how you’re going to achieve it, and stick to it.
Helpful hint: When you begin to feel burnt out or like you’re never going to reach your goal, go back to your WHY.
Are you looking for an organized approach to achieving your 2023 business goals? Perhaps you simply need someone to bounce ideas off of?
I’m a business integrator who has guided numerous startups to successful, thriving and sustaining businesses. I have a passion for personal empowerment and am committed to your success.
Are you looking to outsource your bookkeeping or have other financial needs? Let’s see if we’re a good fit!