Magic #9 Debt Warrior reopens in March 2024!

Pay off debt more efficiently so you can exit survival mode & step onto the path of


Get a head start on your financial journey!

Take this 90-second quiz to find out which aspect of your mind is dominating your beliefs about money so that you can start taking control of your financial reality today. Psst… when you take this Quiz, it adds you to my inner circle and ONLY my inner circle members get a MASSIVE earlybird discount on Magic #9 Debt Warrior!


The 5 Essential Steps to Financial Freedom LIVE Masterclass is coming soon!

March 12 at 12:00PM CST - Money Mindset

March 13 at 12:00PM CST - Financial Literacy

March 14 at 12:00PM CST - Ask Me Anything Hot Seat

If you're sick & tired of being in debt + living from paycheck to paycheck, I have good news for you.

I can show you exactly how to keep more money in your pocket & help you pay off your debt more quickly so that you can finally break free of the creditors’ chains that bind you.


Right now, you might feel stuck in a spinning hamster wheel that feels hopeless, exhausting, maybe even scary.

You feel despair about money. It’s your best frenemy.

You feel guilty for even thinking you can afford to take a vacation. Spending money on anything fun? Not happening.

As the bills continue to pile up on your desk, you feel buried, like there’s no way you’ll ever be able to pay it all off and get ahead.

And heaven forbid, if one. more. emergency. happens… It’s gonna have to go on the damn credit card. Again.

You can end this vicious cycle for good when you have the keys to unlock your prison cell.

I'll show you exactly how to break free.

Magic #9 Debt Warrior

a 9-week group coaching program designed to help you get out of debt quickly while feeling empowered, emboldened, and downright magical!

The first program of its kind…

It goes straight for the money wound and


While waging war on the financial crisis itself.


Suzanne says:

Before joining M9DW, I struggled with the feeling that I had no power over my financial situation. Dealing with my finances felt overwhelming & depressing, so I wasn’t getting anywhere because I just avoided it.

I didn’t feel empowered or motivated, but M9DW changed all that! I feel like it motivated me to do the work that I needed to do on the Magic #9 spreadsheet, and pay attention to it everyday. I also loved the meditation because it got my head ready to take control again. I definitely feel empowered to work toward my goals, realizing now that I’m in control because you taught us how we have to tell our money where to go.

Another huge benefit is that M9DW opened a door to talk to my partner about our finances because it helped me realize that this is our money journey, so we can incorporate our long term goals into the game plan.

I feel better and more in control of my financial situation.

Hi! I’m Randi Turkin, CEO + Founder of I Need a Clone Consulting & the creator of Magic #9 Debt Warrior.

Two years ago, I was already $45K in debt when my dog, Puppa, tore her ACL. Her injury required TPLO (bone restructure) surgery followed by months of physical therapy + all the associated meds + supplies that came with it. In total it cost over $8,000 I didn’t have. So… I funded the entire thing with a credit card.

Finances were already tight before this happened — my son & I live on a (very average) single mama income — and with this emergency, I hit rock bottom. I spent the next 6 months feeling extremely depressed + anxious because I was in waaaaay over my head financially & had no clue what to do, short of getting another underpaying job.

In January, determined 2023 would be my “comeback” year, I sat down & made a plan.

In one year, I paid off approximately $27,000 of debt using the Magic #9 Accounting System I developed.

And now I’m teaching others exactly how I did it. Everyone deserves to be financially free. Are you ready to break free?!


Melissa says:

Magic #9 Debt Warrior has impacted my life big time! It was awesome! I never thought joining a finance program would be beneficial. I always thought, “What’sthe use? Why go through all that extra work just to pay bills!”

I’m not very good at math and, believe it or not, I was intimidated by even trying to balance my checking account. So while I enjoyed all of it, especially the money mindset stuff, it was the Combat Training that was the most beneficial for me.

I used to just look at the bank balance & assume that as long as I didn’t spend over that amount, I’d be okay. But this program has taught me how important it is for me to be in control.

I feel more knowledgeable now. I can do this.

Heal the Money Wound, Heal the World.