You Can’t Start Building Wealth Until You ELIMINATE DEBT

Almost all Prisoners of Debt who want financial freedom but will never reach it are experiencing one of the following problems:

  • Your debt load is increasing

  • You’re using credit to pay for emergencies

  • There’s more month than there is money

  • You have late or missed payments

  • You feel stress or anxiety at the mere thought of money 

After working with clients & students from all walks of life for more than 12 years, I’ve found that those problems are happening because you’re making some of these mistakes:

  • Impulse spending/ lack of budgeting

  • Living beyond your means

  • Avoiding healing your money wounds

  • Failing to define clear financial goals

  • Overusing debt consolidation as a strategy

And if you’re experiencing some of those problems and making some of those mistakes then I bet that you haven’t yet tried the Magic #9 System.

The Magic #9 System is an easy-to-use mobile friendly accounting system that I initially created for myself and used to pay off nearly $27K of debt in ONE YEAR (without increasing my income)! 

This system teaches you how to make your money work for you! 

(instead of the other way around -- you always workin' for the money).

You can't start building wealth until you ELIMINATE DEBT.

And I'm here to tell you that getting your money organized is hands down the most effective way to end the vicious cycle of debt payoff for good. 

It's just that, well...

No one's ever taught you HOW TO MANAGE MONEY or HOW TO MAKE IT WORK FOR YOU!

Your experience dealing with money matters looks like trying to scale Mount Everest without the proper gear, which feels… 



Downright Defeating

You’ve become your creditors’ prisoner.

➡️ Perhaps you and your partner don’t discuss your finances because it causes arguments.

➡️ It could be that, at month's end, after paying all those bills, you're left with just enough to cover groceries and gas until your next paycheck arrives.

➡️ Maybe the balance due on your credit card has been steadily creeping up to an overwhelming, unmanageable level.

And all this time, the compound interest has been building wealth for your creditor and stealing from your financial future.

Ain’t that somethin'? 

(Yes, highway robbery!)


  • if you've been a prisoner of debt or buried under financial obligations for 3 months or more…

  • If the mere mention of the word DEBT leaves a pit in your stomach the size of Texas…

  • If you believe financial freedom is just a myth, or something meant for only a lucky few…

And you’re ready to escape your financial prison…

I’ve got the key that’ll unlock the door. 

You ready to be financially free?  


Discover the fastest & most empowering way to escape survival mode and secure your financial future by clicking the button below.


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