I Give Myself Permission
What “rules” are constricting you right now?
A few weeks ago I participated in a two-day bookkeeping summit that was filled to the brim with classes on new tech, sales, business strategy and so much more.
I finished up the summit with new ideas and tons of inspiration for my biz goals, but also feeling like my head would explode with all the new information!
While these sessions were incredibly helpful, it meant that there were two whole days where I wasn’t able to get any actual bookkeeping work done (right in the middle of month end, no less), so I’d be lying if I said that it didn’t stress me out a little to not be doing reconciliations and cranking out financial statements for my clients.
On day two, I had a 20-minute break in between two trainings, so I had a choice. I could use that time to cram in some client work that needed to be done, or I could do something nice for myself.
I chose to be nice to myself.
I’d put a hold on a library book (The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle — AMAZING btw!) a couple weeks earlier, and it was the final day my local branch was going to hold it for me.
So I hopped in the car, leaving the music off so my brain wasn’t taking in more new information. (Seriously y’all, my brain was already on OVER DRIVE!)
During the five-minute drive to the library, I got to thinking about how, even as adults, we don’t give ourselves permission enough.
As children, we are sooooooo constricted. Our parents tell us how, why, when to do everything. At school we’re trained to follow the leader and do everything we’re told.
Most of us have taken the idea that things have to be done a specific way into adulthood.
Work has to start at 8:00am. I have to work XX hours every week to be successful.
The project has to be done just. like. this.
If I’m not at the computer all day long, then I am failing as an employee/ biz owner.
Lunch is at noon, on the dot.
I have to run my business this way because that’s how it’s always been done.
My child’s hair has to be cut, combed and he always has to look presentable.
The Christmas tree has to be put up by the day after Thanksgiving. I MUST serve turkey on Thanksgiving Day.
Church is on Sunday.
The grass cannot be taller than 4 inches. I’m not allowed to hang a towel over the balcony railing. My floors should be swept daily.
OMG, give me some room to breathe, am I right?!
So, back to the drive to the library.
Here I was, in the middle of a work day, leaving my home office to go do something nice for myself. I thought, Man, this feels really good to do what I want.
I am the creator of my own life.
I don’t have to ask anyone else permission for anything!
I can just do it!
Wow! What an idea!
In that moment, I decided to start giving myself permission for all kinds of things.
I give myself permission to walk away from someone who isn’t an ideal client.
I give myself permission to take a nap.
I give myself permission to turn the car stereo as loud as I want to (or leave it off).
I give myself permission to go on vacation.
I give myself permission to relax more.
I give myself permission to be deeply joyful.
I give myself permission to be the best at what I do without apology.
I give myself permission to value my time.
I give myself permission to laugh more, cry more, sing more, dance more.
What are you giving yourself permission to do these days?
Fill in the blank!
I give myself permission to _________________________.
How about giving yourself permission to hand your books off to someone who knows what they’re doing and can help you gain profitability by telling you your biz story through numbers?!
Just a thought. ;)